Dentist in Hartington’s Guide to Oral Health During Illness | Dentist Near Me

Caught a cold or flu? Don’t let your oral health take a backseat. At Family 1st Dental, your well-being is our priority, even during sickness. Here’s how you can maintain your oral hygiene while under the weather, with insights from our Dentist in Hartington.

1. Brush After Every Meal: Illness can create a breeding ground for bacteria in your mouth. Stick to a routine of brushing shortly after each meal to minimize germ multiplication. Our Dentist in Hartington emphasizes the importance of this practice to keep your smile healthy, even when you’re feeling under the weather.

2. Choose Sugar-Free Options for Cough Drops and Lozenges: Many cough drops and lozenges contain sugar, which can contribute to tooth decay. Opt for sugar-free alternatives to protect your dental health. Our Dentist in Hartington advises patients to be selective with throat soothers to maintain optimal oral hygiene during illness.

3. Rinse Thoroughly After Vomiting: Stomach acids from vomiting can damage your teeth, but brushing immediately afterward can worsen the situation. Instead, rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash and wait at least 20 minutes before brushing. Our Dentist in Hartington recommends this approach to minimize acid exposure to your teeth.

4. Stay Hydrated with Water: Proper hydration is essential for recovery and oral health. Drinking water helps prevent dry mouth, which can lead to decay and bad breath. Our Dentist in Hartington advises patients to stay hydrated, especially if medications used to treat cold or flu symptoms contribute to dry mouth.

5. Replace Your Toothbrush After Recovery: Once you’ve overcome illness, consider replacing your toothbrush. While reinfection is unlikely, it’s a precautionary measure recommended by the American Dental Association. Our Dentist in Hartington suggests replacing your toothbrush every three to four months to maintain optimal oral hygiene.

Prioritize Your Oral Health with Family 1st Dental: Even when you’re feeling under the weather, it’s essential to prioritize your oral health. Your medications and remedies can impact your dental well-being, so be mindful of sugar content and stay hydrated. For personalized oral health tips or to schedule a visit to our office in Hartington, contact us today. Your smile deserves the best care, even during illness.

Family First Dental – Hartington
Phone: (402) 254-3969
103 West Main Street
Hartington, NE 68739

Nurturing Your Smile Through Sickness: Dentist in Hartington Shares Oral Health Tips | Dentist Near Me

Amidst the sniffles and coughs, maintaining your oral health might not be top of mind. However, at Family 1st Dental, we understand the importance of prioritizing your dental care even during illness. Here are some unique tips from our Dentist in Hartington to help you stay on top of your oral hygiene while battling a cold or flu.

1. Brush After Each Meal: During illness, your mouth can become a breeding ground for bacteria. It’s crucial to stick to a routine of brushing your teeth shortly after each meal. By being extra diligent with your brushing, you can minimize the growth of germs and bacteria, promoting faster recovery.

2. Choose Wisely with Cough Drops and Lozenges: Many cough drops and throat lozenges contain sugar, posing a risk to your dental health. Opt for sugar-free alternatives or those without corn syrup and fructose to avoid feeding bacteria in your mouth, which can lead to tooth decay.

3. Rinse Carefully After Vomiting: If illness leads to vomiting, it’s important to protect your teeth from stomach acids. Instead of immediately brushing, which can spread the acids, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water or mouthwash. Wait at least 20 minutes before brushing to prevent further damage.

4. Stay Hydrated with Water: Proper hydration is essential for recovery and maintaining oral health. Drinking water not only aids in flushing out toxins but also prevents dry mouth, which can contribute to decay and bad breath. Be mindful of medications that may cause dry mouth and increase your water intake accordingly.

5. Replace Your Toothbrush: After recovering from illness, consider replacing your toothbrush as a precautionary measure. While the likelihood of reinfection is low, it’s best to err on the side of caution. The American Dental Association recommends replacing your toothbrush every three to four months to ensure optimal oral hygiene.

Prioritize Your Oral Health with Family 1st Dental: Don’t let illness derail your oral hygiene routine. At Family 1st Dental, we’re dedicated to helping you maintain a healthy smile, even during challenging times. For more personalized oral health tips or to schedule a visit to our office in Hartington, contact us today. Your smile deserves the best care, especially when you need it most.

Family First Dental – Hartington
Phone: (402) 254-3969
103 West Main Street
Hartington, NE 68739

Transforming Dental Care: Embracing Technological Innovations in Dentistry | Dentist Near Me

In the contemporary landscape of dentistry, technological advancements have become indispensable in combating tooth decay. These innovations have reshaped the diagnostic and treatment landscape, offering swifter and more precise solutions than ever before. By leveraging cutting-edge dental technology, dentists can deliver enhanced care to their patients while streamlining the diagnosis and treatment processes for tooth decay.

Tooth decay stands as a prevalent issue affecting millions globally, fueled by oral bacteria that thrive on dietary sugars and starches. These bacteria generate acids that erode tooth enamel, paving the way for cavities and associated complications. Left unchecked, tooth decay can escalate into severe problems, including pain, infections, and tooth loss.

Dental technology has significantly augmented the diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities of dentists. Advanced imaging modalities provide comprehensive views of the oral cavity, enabling early detection of tooth decay and prompt intervention. With detailed imaging, dentists can pinpoint decay in its nascent stages, facilitating proactive treatment and averting extensive damage. Moreover, these imaging techniques uncover hidden cavities and subtle anomalies imperceptible to the naked eye.

In addition to imaging, lasers have emerged as a pivotal tool in dental treatment. Laser technology facilitates precise removal of decayed enamel, along with the management of gum disease. Furthermore, lasers contribute to teeth whitening, plaque removal, and dental reshaping procedures. Offering minimally invasive interventions, lasers revolutionize oral health treatments while enhancing dental aesthetics.

Furthermore, dental technology fosters personalized care through digital solutions. Dentists utilize digital tools to craft bespoke dental appliances like crowns, bridges, and dentures tailored to each patient’s unique oral anatomy. This customization optimizes treatment outcomes, bolstering comfort and efficacy while expediting treatment timelines.

In essence, dental technology stands at the forefront of transforming the landscape of tooth decay diagnosis and treatment. Through advanced imaging, laser interventions, and customized dental appliances, dentists deliver superior care in less time. By harnessing these technological breakthroughs, dentists fortify their ability to combat tooth decay effectively while enhancing the overall oral health and aesthetics of their patients. For more insights into the latest dental innovations, reach out to our practice today.

Family First Dental – Hartington
Phone: (402) 254-3969
103 West Main Street
Hartington, NE 68739

Unlocking the Versatility of Botox in Dentistry | Hartington Dentist

Often synonymous with smoothing out facial wrinkles, Botox, or Botulinum toxin, has evolved beyond its cosmetic applications and ventured into the realm of dentistry. In recent years, dentists have harnessed the power of Botox to address a spectrum of dental issues, including temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, bruxism, and various facial pain conditions.

The rising popularity of Botox in dentistry stems from its muscle-relaxing properties and pain-reducing capabilities. Administered through swift and straightforward injections, Botox offers lasting relief, with effects lasting several months. Many patients have reported marked improvements in their symptoms following Botox treatment.

A prevalent use of Botox in dentistry is for managing TMJ disorders, which can arise from factors like stress, teeth grinding, or jaw trauma. Botox injections target the muscles responsible for discomfort, alleviating pain severity and enhancing patients’ overall quality of life.

Similarly, bruxism, characterized by teeth grinding, can lead to dental issues such as worn teeth, jaw pain, and headaches. Botox injections relax the muscles involved in teeth grinding, reducing both the frequency and severity of the condition.

Beyond TMJ disorders and bruxism, Botox has shown promise in treating other facial pain conditions like trigeminal neuralgia and chronic migraines. By inhibiting the release of certain pain-inducing chemicals, Botox effectively alleviates discomfort and inflammation associated with these conditions.

While Botox presents a valuable treatment option, it’s crucial to seek care from a qualified dentist with specialized training in its dental applications. Dentists proficient in Botox usage possess a comprehensive understanding of facial anatomy and can accurately identify injection sites for optimal results.

Patients considering Botox should understand that its effects are temporary and necessitate periodic retreatment every few months to maintain effectiveness. Additionally, they should be aware of potential side effects such as bruising, swelling, or muscle weakness.

In conclusion, Botox emerges as a safe and effective treatment option for various dental issues, offering patients relief and improved dental health. Collaborating with a qualified dentist ensures optimal outcomes and enhances overall well-being. For more information, please reach out to our dental office.

Family First Dental – Hartington
Phone: (402) 254-3969
103 West Main Street
Hartington, NE 68739

Unexpected Ways to Use Toothpaste | Hartington Dentist

Toothpaste does a great job of cleaning teeth, but there are many other uses for toothpaste that you might not expect. The same ingredients that help polish our teeth can also soothe some common ailments, make items sparkle, and get rid of stains and pungent smells. Read these tricks on how toothpaste can do much more than leave your smile looking bright. 

Relieve irritation from bee stings and insect bites. Apply a small amount of toothpaste to the sting/bite to stop the itching and decrease any swelling. The toothpaste dries up the wound and helps it heal faster. 

Remove crayon and other marks from painted walls. Rub a damp cloth with toothpaste gently on the marked-up wall and watch the marks disappear. The best part is that it won’t remove the paint off the walls. 

Prevent mirrors from fogging. Rub toothpaste on the mirrors and wipe it off before your next shower. This will help you save time during your morning routine by not waiting for the mirror to clear up. 

Remove scuffs from dirty shoes. Apply toothpaste directly to the dirty or scuffed area, then scrub with a brush and wipe clean. Stubborn stains may require additional toothpaste or multiple applications to remove completely. 

Make silver jewelry and diamonds sparkle. Rub toothpaste onto jewelry and leave overnight. Wipe clean with a soft cloth in the morning. You can also shine diamonds by gently scrubbing them using a toothbrush, toothpaste and water. 

Remove scratches on DVDs and CDs. This technique works well on only shallow scratches and smudges. Apply a thin coating of toothpaste to the disc, rub gently and rinse clean. Repeat the process if there are many scratches. 

Decrease the size of a pimple. Apply toothpaste to the affected area at night before bed and wash it off in the morning. Toothpaste will dry out the area and speed up the healing process. 

Deodorize hands. Pungent foods, cleaning products and fragrances can linger on your hands no matter how many times you wash them. Try washing your hands using a small dab of toothpaste in addition to soap and water. 

Fill in small nail holes in walls. Squeeze toothpaste into the hole and use a putty knife to remove excess toothpaste. Let the toothpaste dry and your wall will look good as new. If needed, you can also touch up the paint. 

At your next dental appointment, be sure to tell our dentist how you decided to use toothpaste other than for your teeth!

Family First Dental – Hartington
Phone: (402) 254-3969
103 West Main Street
Hartington, NE 68739

The Power of Smiling: Why It’s Good for Your Health and Well-being | Dentist Hartington

Smiling is often described as the universal language of happiness. It is a simple gesture that can convey warmth, positivity, and openness. But did you know that smiling is also good for your health and well-being? In this blog, we will explore the reasons why smiling is good for you.

  1. Reduces stress and anxiety

Smiling has been found to reduce stress and anxiety levels. When we smile, it sends a signal to our brain that everything is okay, and we can relax. Smiling triggers the release of endorphins, which are natural painkillers and mood elevators. Endorphins help reduce stress and anxiety levels and improve our overall mood.

  1. Boosts the immune system

Smiling can also boost the immune system. When we smile, our body releases white blood cells, which help fight off infection and disease. Studies have shown that people who smile more often have a stronger immune system than those who do not.

  1. Improves relationships

Smiling can help improve our relationships with others. When we smile, we are perceived as more attractive, approachable, and trustworthy. Smiling also helps build rapport and establish connections with others. People are more likely to respond positively to someone who smiles than someone who does not.

  1. Increases self-confidence

Smiling can increase our self-confidence. When we smile, we feel more positive and self-assured. Smiling also helps reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, which can contribute to a lack of confidence. By smiling more often, we can boost our self-esteem and feel better about ourselves.

  1. Enhances mood

Smiling can enhance our mood. When we smile, our brain releases dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter that is associated with pleasure and happiness. Dopamine helps improve our mood and gives us a sense of well-being. Smiling can also help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.

  1. Improves productivity

Smiling can also improve our productivity. When we are in a positive state of mind, we are more motivated and productive. Smiling can help us stay focused and energized, which can lead to increased productivity and success.

In conclusion, smiling is good for you. It reduces stress and anxiety, boosts the immune system, improves relationships, increases self-confidence, enhances mood, and improves productivity. So, the next time you are feeling down, try smiling. Even if you do not feel like it, the act of smiling can have a positive impact on your well-being. Smiling is contagious, and it can spread happiness to those around you. So, keep smiling and spread joy wherever you go. Contact our dental office today to schedule an appointment

Family First Dental – Hartington
Phone: (402) 254-3969
103 West Main Street
Hartington, NE 68739

Changing Your Spots: White Areas on Teeth | Dentist Hartington NE

White spots on your teeth can be irritating and affect how you feel about your smile. The good news, however, is that they are preventable and rarely cause for concern. Here are things you should know about what causes white spots, how to prevent them, and what options are available should you already have them. 

What causes white spots on teeth? 

1.       Dental Fluorosis This can happen when a child consumes or is exposed to too much fluoride during the development of their teeth. While undesirable, this is harmless and can happen before teeth even emerge. The most common cause of fluorosis in the US is the use or ingestion of too much toothpaste. 

2.       Poor Dental Hygiene – Forgetting to brush regularly can cause white spots to develop. 

3.       Braces – Wearing braces for an extended time can affect the coloration of your teeth and create white spots.  

4.       Acidic or Sugary Foods – These foods can damage your teeth as well as change the color of their enamel. Rinsing your mouth after you consuming acidic or sugary items can help negate these effects. 

How can I prevent them from appearing? 

Following a proper oral hygiene regimen is the best way to prevent white spots on teeth. Ensure your child uses the correct amount of toothpaste – children under 3 should use a smear the size of a rice grain, and children over 3 should not use more than a pea-sized amount. It is common for children to accidentally swallow or fail to spit out toothpaste, so be sure to supervise your child as they are learning. 

What are options for treatment? 

If you are already dealing with white spots, you have options. Whitening or bleaching can make the coloration of your teeth more uniform. Dental veneers can restore the entire appearance of your teeth, solving not just the problem of white spots. In some cases, topical fluoride or enamel microabrasion upon the white spots themselves can do the trick.  

Our doctor will recommend the optimal solution for treating white spots on your teeth. Contact our office for a consultation today.

Family First Dental – Hartington
Phone: (402) 254-3969
103 West Main Street
Hartington, NE 68739

Modern Dentistry: Managing TMD Discomfort | Dentist Hartington

Discomfort and pain in your jaw, clicking while you talk or chew, and swelling on the sides of your face can be caused by Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD). TMD can make talking and eating both painful and uncomfortable. Our team understands how TMD can make your day a challenge. We’ve compiled a list of helpful tips for managing TMD discomfort, but also encourage you to schedule a visit to see us for a full evaluation. 

Finding Relief at Home 

If your jaw is swollen, try applying a cold compress to your face. We recommend holding the compress in place for about 10 minutes. If you are able, try a few gentle jaw stretches. After the cold compress, apply warm, moist heat to the same area. You can keep this warm compress in place for an additional 5 to 10 minutes.  

If your discomfort is particularly noticeable, try over-the-counter pain relievers such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or ibuprofen. If you find yourself taking pain relieving medications daily, please contact us immediately. 

The “Don’ts” of TMD 

Applying excess pressure to your jaw can make your TMD discomfort worse. Don’t use your hand as a rest for your chin, as doing so increases the amount of pressure and strain placed on your jaw. If you talk on the phone frequently, avoid holding the phone on your shoulder while bending your neck to keep it in place.  

Clenching your jaw and keeping your teeth tightly closed can also lead to a build-up of pressure in the jaw. During the day, try to keep your teeth from touching. By create a little space between your teeth, you will be relieving pressure from your jaw. 

Contact Us 

Our team is here to help you. Schedule a consultation with our dentist to learn more about the solutions available for people just like you dealing with TMD discomfort. We will provide a thorough examination to determine the best course of treatment for your TMD.  

Relief may be closer than you think. Contact our dental team to learn more today.

Family First Dental – Hartington
Phone: (402) 254-3969
103 West Main Street
Hartington, NE 68739

What is Periodontal Disease? | 68739 Dentist

Periodontal disease ranges from a mild inflammation of the gum tissues to periodontitis, a major oral disease that can result in soft tissue and bone damage. Periodontitis is the leading cause of adult tooth loss in the United States.  

One of the major causes of gum disease is practicing poor oral hygiene habits. Daily brushing and flossing and regular professional exams and cleanings are essential to maintaining optimal oral health. When these practices are not followed, plaque can form on the teeth and along the gumline. If this plaque is not properly removed, it may harden over time and become tartar. Once that occurs, only a dental professional can remove the tartar from teeth. 

If gum disease is not treated in a timely manner, tartar may continue to build unchecked. When this occurs, the gum disease may advance to gingivitis. In this stage, gums redden, swell, and become prone to bleeding from normal activities, such as brushing or eating. Some other common symptoms include: chronic halitosis (bad breath), sensitive teeth, and difficulty or pain with chewing. At this point, professional periodontal treatment is needed to prevent the gingivitis from advancing to periodontitis. 

When gingivitis is not treated in time, it may become periodontitis. Periodontitis is the most advanced form of periodontal disease. With periodontitis, gums begin to pull away from the teeth, creating small “pockets” along the gumline. These spaces are highly difficult to clean without professional intervention and can lead to rapid worsening in overall oral health. Without prompt and thorough treatment, bone, gums, and soft tissues may be destroyed by periodontitis. 

Some of the most common factors that contribute to periodontal disease developing include poor oral hygiene habits, diabetes, smoking, and hormonal changes in women. Some medications can cause gum tissue to grow abnormally, which can increase difficulty in proper cleaning of the teeth. People who are receiving treatment for AIDS are also at increased risk of developing periodontal disease

Many recent studies have found that untreated periodontal disease may negatively impact other aspects of your overall health, especially for patients with cardiovascular disease or diabetes. Periodontal disease can also increase the risk of developing certain pregnancy complications, such as low birth weight or premature birth. 

Our doctor has the training and experience to diagnose and treat every stage of periodontal disease. If you have symptoms of periodontal disease, contact our office to schedule a consultation.

Family First Dental – Hartington
Phone: (402) 254-3969
103 West Main Street
Hartington, NE 68739

Should You Brush Right After Eating? | Dentist Hartington

Enamel is the guardian of your teeth and the hardest material in the body. It’s the first defense against harmful bacteria which may lead to tooth decay. When you eat certain foods, it creates bacteria which attack your tooth enamel. Carbohydrates and sugary foods are examples of these foods. Brushing directly after eating can be harmful to your enamel. 

Why this is a problem 

When eating or drinking, the pH balance in your mouth changes. After each bite of acidic food, the pH balance moves towards a level which causes demineralization. The new acidity softens the enamel which can cause bacteria to get into the teeth. Brushing right after you eat may damage your enamel. This is important because enamel protects your teeth from damage.   

Steps you can take to protect your enamel: 

If you’ve had anything acidic, don’t brush for at least 30 minutes.  

Fruits with citric acid are one example. If you are planning ingesting acidic foods or drinks, you can brush beforehand. 

A glass of water will help remove the acid. Follow this by chewing sugarless gum. These steps help create saliva which will help bring back the necessary pH balance needed for a healthy smile. 

Try to avoid soda as prolonged phosphoric acid can cause permanent damage. 

Brushing your teeth twice a day is an important habit for optimal oral health.  

Have you ever been told you should brush your teeth right after eating? While this may sound like the right habit to adapt, this practice could be detrimental to the health of your teeth. Rinsing your mouth with water after eating may be a better option to keep enamel strong. Visit our office for an exam and we can give you for tips for healthy, strong teeth. Call our office today.  

Family First Dental – Hartington
Phone: (402) 254-3969
103 West Main Street
Hartington, NE 68739

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Dentist Hartington

Dentist in Hartington’s Guide to Oral Health During Illness | Dentist Near Me

Caught a cold or flu? Don’t let your oral health take a backseat. At Family 1st Dental, your well-being is our priority, even during sickness. Here’s how you can maintain your oral hygiene while under the weather, with insights from […]

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Nurturing Your Smile Through Sickness: Dentist in Hartington Shares Oral Health Tips | Dentist Near Me

Amidst the sniffles and coughs, maintaining your oral health might not be top of mind. However, at Family 1st Dental, we understand the importance of prioritizing your dental care even during illness. Here are some unique tips from our Dentist […]

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Transforming Dental Care: Embracing Technological Innovations in Dentistry | Dentist Near Me

In the contemporary landscape of dentistry, technological advancements have become indispensable in combating tooth decay. These innovations have reshaped the diagnostic and treatment landscape, offering swifter and more precise solutions than ever before. By leveraging cutting-edge dental technology, dentists can […]

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